Stamina Intone Oval Jogger

by Stamina
Sold out
SKU ST35-1699
The Stamina InTone Oval Jogger with padded handlebar and electronic monitor is a fun way to work out. You will improve your cardiovascular fitness while you tone your legs, abs, buttocks, and back. Plus have more energy, increase your metabolism, and just feel, look, and be fit. The oval adds a larger rebounding surface for more stability and more exercise options. The optic blue outline keeps you safe by giving you a visual reminder of the mat border.

The padded handlebar adjusts to fit userG??s height, and adds stability and puts you in control of your workout intensity. For a more intense workout, you can release the handlebar and add a little bounce, for less intensity use the handlebar to control your bounce. The electronic monitor times your workout, counts calories burned, and number of jumps so you stay motivated and reach your goals faster.
Because it is affordable, compact, and fun, the Oval Rebounder workout is a great way to add variety to a boring or high-impact aerobic routine, or to give you an ultra-effective, indoor or outdoor aerobic workout.
The Intone Oval Jogger takes up a small amount of space and is easy to store out of the way when not in use. Work out with the Oval Jogger three, four, or five days a week and eating a healthy diet will help you reach your fitness goals for a healthy, toned body.

Includes workout DVD featuring fitness expert, Ms. Olympia Mia Finnegan.
  • Grey frame, black mat and skirt, blue mat outline and blue resistance tubes
  • Steel frame
  • Medium resistance tubes
  • Padded handlebar, padded resistance tube handles
  • Includes: Stamina InTone Oval Jogger, 2 medium resistance tubes, workout DVD, owner's manual
  • Oval rebounding surface for more stability and a more varied workout
  • Includes workout DVD featuring fitness expert Mia Finnegan
    Motivational multifunctional electronic fitness monitor tracks jumps per minute, workout time, total jumps, and calories burned
  • Optic blue border keeps you jumping inside the rebounder's sweet spot
  • Foam covered handlebar adjusts from 41G?? to 50G?? in 3G?? increments
  • Safety pad
  • Compact, lightweight, durable
  • Footprint: 36G?? x 55G??
  • Rebounder height: 9G??
  • Handle height:  50G?? to  highest setting
  • Rebounding surface size: 44.5G?? wide x 26G?? deep oval
  • Maximum user weight: 250 lbs.
  • Warranty: 1 year frame, 90 days parts

Overall Dimensions: 55"(L) x 36"(W) x 9"(H)