
  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, BK/GD/BK - CER-6240-CBGD-MBLK-BKCD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, BK/Gold/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, BK/GD/NK - CER-6240-CBGD-NCKL-BKCD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, BK/Gold/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, S/Bisque/BK - CER-6240-MID-MBLK-BKCD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, Midnight Sky/Bisque/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, S/Bisque/NK - CER-6240-MID-NCKL-BKCD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, Midnight Sky/Bisque/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, WH/Bisque/BK - CER-6240-WHT-MBLK-BKCD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, White/Bisque/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, WH/Bisque/NK - CER-6240-WHT-NCKL-BKCD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, White/Bisque/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, WH/GD/BK - CER-6240-MTGD-MBLK-BKCD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, White/Gold/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, WH/GD/NK - CER-6240-MTGD-NCKL-BKCD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Flare Pendant, White/Gold/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Gear Ceramic Flush Mount, Gloss White - CER-6183-WHT
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Gear Ceramic Flush Mount, Gloss White

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Gear Ceramic Flush, Midnight Sky - CER-6183-MID
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Gear Ceramic Flush, Midnight Sky

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Gear Ceramic Flush, Pewter Green - CER-6183-PWGN
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Gear Ceramic Flush, Pewter Green

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Hourglass Ceramic Flush, Black/Gold - CER-6190-CBGD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Hourglass Ceramic Flush, Black/Gold

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Hourglass Ceramic Flush, MWH - CER-6190-MAT
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Hourglass Ceramic Flush, Matte White

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Hourglass Ceramic Flush, White/Gold - CER-6190-MTGD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Hourglass Ceramic Flush, White/Gold

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, BQ/B - CER-6515-BIS-MBLK-RIGID
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, Bisque/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, BQ/N - CER-6515-BIS-NCKL-RIGID
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, Bisque/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, B/BK - CER-6515-CRB-MBLK-RIGID
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, Black/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, B/NK - CER-6515-CRB-NCKL-RIGID
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, Black/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, GW/B - CER-6515-WHT-MBLK-RIGID
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, Gloss White/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, GW/N - CER-6515-WHT-NCKL-RIGID
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, Gloss White/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, MW/B - CER-6515-MAT-MBLK-RIGID
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, Matte White/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, MW/N - CER-6515-MAT-NCKL-RIGID
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, Matte White/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, S/BK - CER-6515-MID-MBLK-RIGID
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, Midnight Sky/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, S/NK - CER-6515-MID-NCKL-RIGID
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, Midnight Sky/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, G/B - CER-6515-PWGN-MBLK-RIGID
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, Pewter Green/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, G/N - CER-6515-PWGN-NCKL-RIGID
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt LG Hourglass Pendant, Pewter Green/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Saucer Pendant, Green/BK - CER-6325-PWGN-MBLK-BKCD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Saucer Pendant, Green/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Saucer Pendant, Green/NK - CER-6325-PWGN-NCKL-BKCD
    Sold out

    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Saucer Pendant, Green/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Saucer Pendant, White/Black - CER-6325-WHT-MBLK-BKCD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Saucer Pendant, White/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Saucer Pendant, WH/NK - CER-6325-WHT-NCKL-BKCD
    Sold out

    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Saucer Pendant, White/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt SH Hourglass Pendant, MW/B - CER-6500-MAT-MBLK-BKCD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt SH Hourglass Pendant, Matte White/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt SH Hourglass Pendant, MW/N - CER-6500-MAT-NCKL-BKCD
    Sold out

    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt SH Hourglass Pendant, Matte White/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt SH Hourglass Pendant, W/B - CER-6500-WHT-MBLK-BKCD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt SH Hourglass Pendant, White/Black

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt SH Hourglass Pendant, W/N - CER-6500-WHT-NCKL-BKCD
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt SH Hourglass Pendant, White/Nickel

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Short Round LED Flush Mount, Bisque - CER-6290-BIS

    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Short Round LED Flush Mount, Bisque

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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  • Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Short Round LED Flush, GWH - CER-6290-WHT
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    Justice Design Radiance 1Lt Short Round LED Flush, Gloss White

    Justice Design

    Our ceramic collection features hand-cast, hand-textured, and hand-finished ceramic fixtures which can create a mood, complement a theme, or simply...

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